Sunday, May 8, 2011

Fat people noises and summer plans

Fatass when he takes his shirt off...
If only he were this entertaining.
I enjoy sleeping in when I get the chance. Today, I slept in until 12:30 because I don't go into work until 5pm. Awesome. But then, at 12:22 on a Sunday where Fatass said that he wouldn't be bugging me, comes lumbering in with Bess, apparently thinking they were going to get lucky. Now, it woke me up when he mashed his fat fingers into the door code, but I just turned over, feigning sleep. I could hear Bess let out a loud sigh, which confirms that Fatass's cock is so small that she needs to have it every waking minute so that she can pretend something is there.

So she storms out of the room while Fatass puts on deodorant and Bod fragrance, which is apparently his Sunday shower. The sounds that this fat douche makes just by standing there is freaking amazing. Not only does he breathe heavily out of his mouth, but he also feels the need to lay down on his bed for all of 10 seconds, which boggles my mind. Apparently his memory span is so short that he couldn't remember his girlfriend storming out of the room about 2 minutes prior. So he does that, then moves over to his phone to check the messages, which is a whole bunch of loud beeps, and then lets out a burp and fart. Lovely. And then he leaves. What. The. Fuck. I'm sure they'll be back at 4 and be disappointed to see that I'm still here, so why couldn't this just wait until then? It's because they're both whiny little teenage uglybitches. That's why.

So with the semester winding down (only a week and a half left), you may be wondering what my plans are for the blog, especially since I won't be rooming with Fatass in the fall. Well, I figured I would just use this as a general rant blog over the summer, talking about work and anything else that annoys the hell out of me. In the fall, I'll be back with rants about school, and if it's another douchebag roommate, there will be plenty more blogfodder.

So there's no need to worry. Pissy will be around for a while. Happy Mother's Day to Ma Pissy, by the way.

As for Fatass's mother? She deserves to be slapped for raising her kid to be such a douche.

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