Thursday, May 12, 2011

Skipping classes all over the place

Fatass hunched over his chair
while he plays video games.
LOL = laugh out loud
LMAO = laugh my ass off
LMFAO = laugh my fucking ass off
LFO = one hit wonder / laughing, fucking off

Fatass is doing the latter. It's 2pm and it's time for Fatass to go to the class he's doing miserably in. This is the same class where he turned in his exam after 5 minutes and the professor just shook her head. Fatass is so fucked that he'll have to come back for another semester and guess what? It's not going to be with me. Fucking schmuck.

I mean, it's really not that difficult of a concept to grasp. You have a class you need in order to graduate? YOU GO TO CLASS. But instead, Fatass is just playing video game games. Just when you think he couldn't get any more useless, he goes and finds a way.

Pa Pissy has a term for guys like that - "Shit Sweepers", because all they'll ever do with their pitiful, meaningless lives is sweep shit off the street. Did I mention Pa can be an old man sometimes and harken back to a day where horse-drawn carriage was a primary mode of transport?

When I see Fatass, I also think of K-Star's great-uncle that did the exact same thing. Uncle Lazy was committed to the local hospital in their permanent care ward because all he wanted to do was absolutely nothing. I can see Fatass doing this a year from now, not 50 years down the road like Uncle Lazy. In the end, Uncle Lazy had a catheter, a colostomy bag, and was okay living like that. He died a couple of weeks ago.

I can see Fatass walking down the same road as Uncle Lazy, but he won't be nearly as quotable or nearly as interesting as Uncle Lazy. And you know why? Because Fatass is a no-good lousy douchebag that doesn't know the concepts of common courtesy or respect for others. He should have died before Uncle Lazy. If that were the case, a bigger waste of life would have been ridded from this planet.

1 comment:

The Original K-Star said...

I hope they have HoverRounds in the afterlife for Uncle Lazy.

PS - I was wondering how long it would take you to make an Uncle Lazy joke on here, especially after he passed away. You're lucky no one from my family reads this. :-P

PPS - My boobs are much nicer than Fatass' hairy saggy mantitties. Just to throw that out there.