Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Spring Break

I'm on spring break holiday for the
rest of the week into next weekend.
Hello, my pissy blog followers from across the United States and the world! Just wanted to let you know that I'm on my spring break holiday for the rest of the week into next weekend. It's been a crazy weekend, but you'll hear all about that in the blog I have cooked up for the day I get back, which will feature not only my angry experiences from spring break, but also whatever Fatass does to piss me off between the time I get back to university and the time I blog.

In the meantime, I've talked to a few people about being guest bloggers, since Fatass isn't here to make fun of. You'll see the first guest blog post up later tonight. If any of you are interested in guest blogging and sharing a story about a horrific roommate experience, please email me at angryatcollege[at]gmail[dot]com. If there's a major flood of submissions and I can't get to them all, I apologize in advance, but if turnout is how I expect, we should be able to fit all of you in.

That's it for now. 'Til next time, what do we always say?


There we go!

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